Hemophilia Treatment Centers.

Many people with bleeding disorders use the resources of their hemophilia treatment center (HTC). Individuals who go to hemophilia treatment centers will not only find state-of-the art medical care, but also benefit from an experienced, caring staff that takes time to develop comprehensive treatment care plans for patients and families.

Children’s Blood and Cancer Center of Central Texas-Dell Children's Specialty Pavillion

  • 4910 Mueller Blvd
    Ste 200
    Austin, TX 78723

  • 512.628.1900


Gulf States Hemophilia & Thrombophilia Center

  • 7000 Fannin
    Suite 750
    Houston, TX 77030

  • 713.500.8360


South Texas Comprehensive Hemophilia Treatment Center

  • 8435 Wurzbach Road
    San Antonio, TX 78229

  • 210.332.0661


Texas Children’s Hemophilia & Thrombosis Center

  • 6701 Fannin Street
    Suite 1580
    Houston, Texas 77030

  • 832.822.4362